Map & Data Resources

Newly out-of-office Members of Congress: where have their top staffers gone?

Map & Data Resources | By Samantha Cook |

Feb. 13, 2013 — As we did two years ago, Remapping Debate has teamed up with the Center for Responsive Politics to examine revolving door and "reverse revolving door" issues. This first installment tracks the new employers and positions of former Chiefs-of-Staff and Legislative Directors of the members of last session's (112th) Congress who left on or before the end of 2012 (due to resignation, retirement, or an unsucessful re-election effort).

Of the 106 former staffers listed, 26 have signed on to firms involved with lobbying.

The default setting is to list all Chiefs-of-Staff and Legislative Directors, but you can choose to view only those who were the last (that is, most recent) incumbent in a position, or only those who were predecessors in a position.

You can sort the data by nine different fields. 

Please note that if a staffer had multiple positions (that is, was concurrently Legislative Director and Deputy Chief-of-Staff, or visa versa), we just listed that staffer's non-deputy position (Legislative Director or Chief-of-Staff).

A staffer listed as "last incumbent in position" may have left for a new position prior to the end of 2012. Three staffers so listed have footnotes next to their names to indicate special circumstances. The footnotes can be found by following the pop-up footnotes link, below.

An asterisk next to the name of a Member of Congress denotes a member who did not stay in office until the end of the 112th Congress.

A dagger next to the name of a Member of Congress denotes a member whose district designation has been changed due to redistricting, or a member who ran for a different office than the one the member represented in the 112th Congress. We list these members with the district designation in effect during the 112th Congress. A translation table is available by following the pop-up notes link, below.

We are still missing information on many former staffers, and Remapping Debate is interested in tracking them down. Please send us your tips.

Click here for important additional notes and footnotes.



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