September 7, 2011 — Regulatory failures are often reported in isolation from one another. In one news cycle, it is the Minerals Management Service that takes “a lax attitude toward overseeing [oil drilling] operations.” In another news cycle, it is the Securities and Exchange Commission that, almost without exception, refuses to prosecute those individuals and entities in the financial services industry who were apparently engaged in mortgage-securities fraud.
But when one steps back from individual stories, it is apparent that, over at least the last 30 years, a series of similar problems has undermined the ability of agencies to protect the public. These problems include a lack of statutory authority, a failure to write appropriate regulations even where necessary statutory authority exists, a lack of willingness to enforce the regulations that are on the books, and deep and chronic underfunding.
These obstacles are sometimes fueled by an administration’s or a political party’s hostility to an agency’s mission, sometimes by Congressional indifference, and, almost always, by resistance from industries seeking to evade effective oversight. These roadblocks to effective regulation — singly and in combination — recur again and again, both across administrations and across agencies.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a good case in point, and, while there are a host of areas in which agency performance has been criticized, this article limits its scope to matters related to cosmetics safety.
The agency is authorized by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 to regulate cosmetic products — in interstate commerce — that are adulterated either through false labeling, toxic contents, or damage.
The agency, however, is still not authorized to test cosmetics before they are put on the market or to mandate recalls of dangerous products. It also still cannot require cosmetic manufacturers to register with the FDA, file information on their ingredients, or report any cosmetic-related injuries. Since the creation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Congress has updated laws relating to labeling regulation (1967) and given the FDA authority to regulate color additives in cosmetics (1962). Otherwise, the cosmetics-related provisions have remained largely unchanged since 1938.
For more than 30 years now, questions have been raised about the efficacy of federal efforts to assure consumers that the cosmetics they use are safe. This story recounts some of those questions, including those regarding the FDA’s vigor in utilizing the statutory authority it does have in the area of cosmetics safety, those about its interest in pushing to expand that authority further, and those about Congressional receptivity to changing the status quo.
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When sources are available online, we link to them. When not available online, we use cite them in note form. To view the note online, place your cursor over the superscript number. To view the full article with end notes, click “Download a PDF” on the upper right of this page.
Betty Anne Williams, Untitled, The Associated Press, February 3, 1978, accessed August 11, 2011,
Jack Anderson, “The Government Probes Toxicity of Cosmetics,” Newsday, December 16, 1988, sec. Viewpionts, accessed August 11, 2011,
Dottie Enrico, The FDA Hit on Cosmetic Rules, Newsday, Sept. 16, 1988, accessed August 11, 2011,
Dottie Enrico, “FDA Hit on Cosmetics Rules,” Newsday,16 Sept. 1988, 49 ed., sec. 1: 49, accessed August 11, 2011,
H. W. Mielk , M. D. Taylor, C. R. Gonzalez, M. K. Smith, P. V. Daniels, and A. V. Buckner, “Lead-Based Hair Coloring Products: Too Hazardous for Household Use,” Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 37.1 (1997): 85-89. Print.
Associated Press. “Excessive lead alleged in Grecian Formula,” Associated Press, February 7, 1997, accessed August 11, 2011,
Chicago Tribune, “Cosmetics Get 2nd Look.” Chicago Tribune, September 6, 1997, accessed August 11, 2011,
Stephen Green, “Boxer, Feinstein block FDA bill over toxin warnings,” Copley News Service, July 30, 1997, accessed August 11, 2011,
Stephen Langel, “House Democrats Take Another Swing at FDA Reform; Republicans Skeptical,” CongressNow, January 8, 2009, accessed August 11, 2011,