Letters to the Editor

Observations from the noted Barnard College and Columbia University political science professor on circumstances under which the government would continue to operate (with editor's reply). More
Characterizing Obama as "caving in" to reach an agreement on the debt ceiling places Remapping Debate far to the left. More
Praise for and criticism of Remapping Debate's coverage of the two-tier wage structure at GM's Orion plant. More
Get the facts before rejecting potential consolidation, group says. State law requires that, long before a proposed consolidation ever goes on the ballot, a "study commission" made up of local residents examine the potential impacts of the merger, including any possible effects on local school aid. More
Municipalities strapped for education funds face further hardships when consolidation forces new districts to do more with less. More
In the search for U.S. residencies, International Medical Graduates (IMGs) face strong opposition from hypocritical bureaucratic policies and impenetrable testing procedures. More
It would be interesting to see this map with an overlay of the coal mining areas of our country and another with an overlay of the areas, which are affected by hydraulic fracking. More
When Unions incorporate as their own banks, they will stop being at the mercy of unscrupulous state and local politicians. More
