Oct. 17, 2011 — Fred Magdoff, professor emeritus in the Department of Plant and Soil Science at The University of Vermont, discusses, “What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism: A Citizen’s Guide to Capitalism and the Environment,” a book he co-authored with John Bellamy Foster. Their primer goes against much of the “conventional wisdom” of environmentalism, arguing that the economic imperatives of our current social system are incompatible with the goals of environmental sustainability. In other words, for Magdoff and Foster, there can be no “green” or “clean” capitalism. In the interview, Magdoff lays out the basis of his argument and then discusses what a sustainable society might look like.
Note: The above dateline refers to this interview’s original airdate on WRCT-Pittsburgh. It was uploaded unchanged to Remapping Debate in March 2013.