Mar. 21, 2012 — David Callahan is the author of “The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead.” He was a founder of Demos, the public policy advocacy organization based in New York, and is currently a Senior Fellow at Demos. Part 1 of the interview is below. Parts 2 through 4 are on the pages that follow.
Part 2 of Remapping Debate’s interview with David Callahan picks up with a discussion of how and why the increasing dominance of market values played and plays a crucial role in developing and sustaining a cheating culture.
Part 3 of Remapping Debate’s interview with David Callahan continues with a discussion of how social cohesion is eroded when members of a society lack a sense of security.
Remapping Debate’s interview with David Callahan concludes with Part 4. This segment begins with a discussion of the role of unrestrained individualism and materialism in the fostering of cheating culture.