Photo Essays

Photo Essays | Margaret Moslander | Infrastructure, Role of government
Dec. 21, 2011 — In 1939, the federal government published a more than 700 page volume entitled “Public Buildings: A Survey of Architecture of Projects Constructed by Federal and Other Governmental...view
Photo Essays | Margaret Moslander | Education, Infrastructure, Role of government
Dec. 21, 2011 — Photos of some of the schools built in New York City with Public Works Administration assistance. Data on costs and completion date come from the PWA publication, “Allotments for...view
Photo Essays | Mike Alberti | Alternative models, Role of government
Sept. 14, 2011 — On a recent fact-finding trip to Copenhagen, Remapping Debate spoke with a wide range of people, from business leaders to union officials, from members of parliament to unemployed...view
Photo Essays | Mike Alberti | Corporate influence, Politics
April 20, 2011 — At a time when many high-profile liberals are breathing a sigh of relief after President Obama seemed to give a nod to his base in his budget address last week, another constituency...view
Photo Essays | Will Halsey | Gender equity
December 21, 2010 — This photo essay was not taken in the 1950s or 1960s. It was not taken in a traditionally conservative part of the United States. It was taken in the heart of New York City just...view
Photo Essays | Will Halsey | Food
November 23, 2010 — A report released yesterday by the New York City Council found that "there are still 1.4 million New Yorkers who live in households that cannot afford an adequate supply of...view
Photo Essays | Nicholas Pollack | Environment, NYC, Urban Policy
November 16, 2010 — The Bronx River is a testament to the urban planning and architecture of New York. It is a geographical formation that has been manipulated over the years to serve industry,...view