March 16, 2011 — Since January, Remapping Debate has been working with the Center for Responsive Politics to identify associations between the lobbying industry and Congress, relationships reinforced...view
Open government
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Open government
March 9, 2011 — This week Remapping Debate provides an initial look at the lobbying histories of top staffers for Congressional committees. Of approximately 350 staff directors, deputy staff...view
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Open government
March 2, 2011 — Remapping Debate, continuing its collaborative efforts with the Center for Responsive Politics, is now tracking past lobbying positions held by the current Chiefs-of-Staff and...view
Open government
February 1, 2011 — Remapping Debate, jointly with the Center for Responsive Politics, is tracking new jobs taken by ex-Members of the 111th Congress (i.e., Member’s whose terms expired Dec. 31...view
Map & Data Resources
Open government
January 25, 2011 — Last week Remapping Debate announced its joint project with the Center for Responsive Politics to track new jobs being taken by ex-Members of the 111th Congress. This week...view
Map & Data Resources
Open government
January 18, 2011 — Remapping Debate has teamed up with the Center for Responsive Politics to track the jobs being taken by members of the 111th Congress who either retired, did not run, lost in a...view