Feb. 25, 2025 — It was a good week for City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams. Leaders of two big New York City are privately urging the Speaker to run for Mayor. So is State Attorney General...view
Economy, Health care, Labor
“In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.” — Anatole France
March 26, 2014 — According to N....view
Agriculture, Immigration, Labor
Feb. 12, 2014 — A study released earlier this week by the American Farm Bureau Federation on the impact of various types of immigration reform on the agricultural sector wants the reader to...view
Jan. 15, 2014 — Yes, he’s a thug. Yes, he’s trying to change the subject. But isn’t there a lot more to report on about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie? Like the fact that he’s been guilty...view
Civil rights, Housing, NYC
Dec. 11, 2013 — As Bill de Blasio gets ready to tackle the enormous problems faced by New York City, belated attention is being paid (appropriately) to some of the key external forces that have...view
Civil rights, History, Race
Sept. 11, 2013 — In the Barack Obama and Bill Clinton version of the Democratic Party, the goal is to have “conversations about race.” Or, at least, these two presidents have wanted to have...view
NYC, Population, Urban Policy
March 21, 2013 — New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was ecstatic last week, announcing that the city’s population had swollen to an all-time high of 8,336,697 as of mid-2012 Census Bureau...view
Education, History, Politics
“The true college will ever have one goal — not to earn meat, but to know the end and aim of that life which meat nourishes.” — W.E.B. Dubois, as quoted in Andrew Delbanco, “College: What...view
Media, Politics
Oct. 21, 2012 — In today’s obituary of Senator George McGovern in The New York Times, the article states that, “Fair or not, [Senator McGovern] never lived down the image of a liberal...view
Alternative models, Globalization
Sept. 12, 2012 — The incessant calls to adapt to “the reality” of a globalized economy have been ringing in our ears now for more than 20 years. The preachers in this choir — from Clinton to Obama,...view