An interview with the editor of a new collection of essays on John Lindsay’s mayoralty. A very different time in New York City, and a very different vision of governing it.
Benjamin Waterhouse shows how business organizations woke up in the 1970s and changed American politics (and yes, there is at least one smoke-filled room).
The governor assures New Yorkers that there is a budgetary surplus that can fund a tax cut and that there’s even money to fund universal, state-wide pre-K without a tax increase. But would the money be available if the governor were honoring what the state’s highest court has determined to be the funding level necessary to meet the obligation to provide a “sound basic education” to all students?
Yes, he’s a thug. Yes, he’s trying to change the subject. But isn’t there a lot more to report on about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie? Like the fact that he’s been guilty of wildly irresponsible and sometimes lawless behavior before. Two prime examples: In 2010, he killed the long-planned construction of a new Hudson River transit tunnel, and he's spent years sabotaging New Jersey's Council on Affordable Housing.