Original reporting

Congress fiddles while Treasury burns
No action on bill that would stop corporations that try to avoid taxes by shirking their American citizenship.
Ignoring a solution to chronic drug shortages
Market-based solutions have failed to work. Yet having the government manufacture some of the drugs remains the option that no one considers. Why not?
Education underfunding still foundation of New York’s new budget
Lawsuit highlights state's failure to fund K-12 at level agreed necessary in 2007.
Think twice before throwing doctors to the wind
Should nurse practitioners continue to supplant doctors in the provision of primary care, despite the substantial additional training that doctors receive?
Forging a different path
San Jose’s problems can be solved, but only if structural causes are addressed, including inequities in Silicon Valley, a nationwide tax incentive competition, and California’s restrictions on local revenue.
This valley is their valley
Decades of inequitable development and intra-regional competition have created a deeply divided Silicon Valley, one where the city of San Jose bears most of the burden.
The delusions of an American Technopolis
San Jose's 30-year quest to be an "entrepreneurial city." A single-minded focus on corporate-based redevelopment never paid off for the city's residents.
Deep-rooted dysfunction
The current administration in San Jose points to "excessive" retirement benefits for its workers as causing its budget woes. But "blame the workers" doesn't adequately explain San Jose's chronic troubles.
Left behind: San Jose and the broken promises of the neoliberal era
Silicon Valley has starkly failed to deliver on the promise of shared prosperity; the city of San Jose is Exhibit A.
Day of reckoning for the parched Southwest: technology and conservation won’t be enough
Does continued growth equal regional death?
Why no literacy programs for 30 million in U.S.?
It's a solvable problem, but Congress is apparently content with adults being stuck struggling at a third-grade reading level or below.