The current administration in San Jose points to "excessive" retirement benefits for its workers as causing its budget woes. But "blame the workers" doesn't adequately explain San Jose's chronic troubles.
The governor assures New Yorkers that there is a budgetary surplus that can fund a tax cut and that there’s even money to fund universal, state-wide pre-K without a tax increase. But would the money be available if the governor were honoring what the state’s highest court has determined to be the funding level necessary to meet the obligation to provide a “sound basic education” to all students?
An important benefit to one class of litigants is deeply baked into the current system. The tax code provides that businesses may deduct all of their legal expenses (lawyer and expert fees, and discovery costs) in all cases — win or lose, meritorious or non-meritorious, plaintiff or defendant. First published in 2012.
Would ending deferral on overseas profits have dangerous consequences, like making U.S. corporations uncompetitive or driving them to move their headquarters’ overseas? Remapping Debate’s inquiries have found that such concerns appear to be overstated, and that the U.S. has a range of policy options that could mitigate or nullify those effects.