How the history profession narrowed over time. Who became marginalized. The importance of valuing things other than the production of book-length manuscripts on narrowly defined subjects.
The governor assures New Yorkers that there is a budgetary surplus that can fund a tax cut and that there’s even money to fund universal, state-wide pre-K without a tax increase. But would the money be available if the governor were honoring what the state’s highest court has determined to be the funding level necessary to meet the obligation to provide a “sound basic education” to all students?
In an address that otherwise reprised many of the noblest principles from this country's history, President Obama's remarks on education offered only a bleak vision of schools as training grounds for employers. Neither the principle that a good education is an essential requisite for developing active citizens nor the idea that education has intrinsic value independent of its utility in the job market made it into the speech.