The preemptive campaign to rein in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Concern about "safety and soundness" or about the prospect of independent regulation?
The preemptive campaign to rein in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Concern about "safety and soundness" or about the prospect of independent regulation?
Eight months after Dodd-Frank, banks hope to block a provision that could eat into their debit-card swipe fees, insisting that there is no way to adapt to a world of lower fees except at heavy cost to themselves and some customers.
Eight months after Dodd-Frank, banks hope to block a provision that could eat into their debit-card swipe fees, insisting that there is no way to adapt to a world of lower fees except at heavy cost to themselves and some customers.
With millions of homeowners still struggling to stay in their homes, the Obama administration’s $75 billion foreclosure prevention program has been weakened, perhaps fatally, by lax oversight and a posture of cooperation — rather than enforcement — with the nation’s biggest banks.
Few institutions in the country today are less loved than the Federal Reserve. At a time when disillusionment with Washington and Wall Street is rife, the Fed — which is quite literally a hybrid of the government and the banking sector — has come under widespread attack. And while there are important differences between the critiques offered by the right and the left, there are common threads, too. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, blasting the “veil of secrecy” surrounding the Fed’s emergency lending program at the height of the financial crisis, struck a tone sounded by many Fed critics: the institution is unaccountable, opaque, and unduly responsive to entrenched interests.
To the extent that there’s merit to this complaint, why might it be so? What elements of the Fed’s formal and informal institutional design contribute to this situation?