Data visualizations


Biggest U.S. corporations: Still hoarding cash

Invest in growing the economy? Nah. Biggest publicly held companies had cash and cash equivalents an...

Who makes what?

New visualization shows that the percentages of workers at various pay levels have not changed signi...

New visualizations capture crucial measure of health of labor market

Labor force participation rate able to be assessed across scores of 4-element demographic composites...

January [2014] unemployment analytics

In the most recent data, the 12-month moving average of the unemployment rate was available for 258 ...

Who earns what?

Two new data tools. Which occupations have so many high paid workers that they bust the current BLS ...

Oil and gas companies still enjoying 1920 royalty rates

When it comes to onshore production on federal land, that is.

How bleak is U.S. educational performance?

These data visualizations take you inside the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ...

Updated judicial vacancies tool: big reduction in median time to Senate action

Senate action on 20 pending nominations combined with 15 new nominations by Obama result in very dif...

Private consultants still raking in public pension fund fees

Amounts paid to outside investment consultants by big public pension funds as much as 36 percent of ...

Data viz illuminates state-by-state underemployment, 2003 to 2012

Visualizing the added toll, including discouraged workers and other marginally attached workers.

Independent director pay at “top 50” companies

Data visualizations show median, highest, and individual director pay; reveal change over time; rank...

Abandonment of poor: much worse than you thought

The maximum value of public assistance benefits has fallen dramatically in every state between 1970 ...