Deep-rooted dysfunction
The current administration in San Jose points to "excessive" retirement benefits for its workers as causing its budget woes. But "blame the workers" doesn't adequately explain San Jose's chronic troubles.
Shackling gov’t employees to their desks
Deep cuts in agency conference travel sought by GOP members of Congress belie their “run government like business” mantra.
Recent reforms leave Denmark’s welfare state firmly in place
Danish experts said the changes are generally modest and broadly consistent with the longstanding welfare state model.
NYT story just an excuse to bash welfare state
Intent on demonstrating that the Danish model is unsustainable, the article in The New York Times exaggerates reforms, characterizes fundamental elements of social safety net as “perks,” and fails to notice that, as one of our sources explained, “the Danish welfare state is alive and well, it has wide public support, and it isn’t going anywhere.”
Responses to “Congress ties Postal Service into knots”
Readers praise reporting on how the Postal Service has been undermined by its Congressional masters; see other questions that need to be asked.
Congress ties Postal Service into knots
Told to operate like a business but prevented from thriving like one, the Postal Service is the victim of politicians who either wanted it fail or had a remarkable lack of foresight.