Journalists in the service of Pete Peterson
Most of those who interview or moderate for Peterson’s “fiscal summits” appear to themselves believe that it’s “not realistic” to believe the country can afford the programs it used to. Those who are prepared to be “adults," they think, will not flinch at these “hard truths” and recognize that it is time to take citizens-have-to-do-with-less medicine. The proof is in the questions.
Disrespect for Senator McGovern at his final hour
Former Senator George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic candidate for president who issued a clarion call to “Come home, America,” died earlier this week. His New York Times obituary reflected all too well the problem of image over substance in our politics, and failed — 40 years on — to appreciate the consequences of the 1972 election.
Disrespect for Senator McGovern at his final hour
Former Senator George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic candidate for president who issued a clarion call to “Come home, America,” died earlier this week. His New York Times obituary reflected all too well the problem of image over substance in our politics, and failed — 40 years on — to appreciate the consequences of the 1972 election.
You rock so hard. Never stop.
A reader weighs in on "Never select a political reporter for jury duty"