
Press Criticism | Craig Gurian | Politics, Taxes
Apr. 18, 2012 — In terms of a climactic moment on taxation, screamed the front page of the latest Sunday Review in The New York Times, “The end of 2012 will be unlike any other time in memory for the...view
Editorial Cartoons | | Budget deficit, Legislation, Taxes
Apr. 4, 2012 — Have a higher resolution monitor? Click here for screen resolutions of 1280 x 960 or better, or here for 1920 x 1200 or better. view
Original Reporting | Craig Gurian | Corporate influence, Taxes
Mar. 8, 2012 — The corporate tax reform mantra these days — at least on the Democratic side of the aisle — is “lower the rates and broaden the base.” Supporters frequently say that the goal is a...view
Map & Data Resources | Mike Alberti | Income inequality, Taxes
Mar. 5, 2012 — Average income of the top 1 percent of Americans, along with their share of total income, is recovering more after the Great Recession than is the case for other Americans,...view
Map & Data Resources | Lori Bikson | Corporate influence, Taxes
Feb. 22, 2012 — The Obama administration plans to ask Congress to close some corporate tax loopholes, but to lower rates at the same time — to a top rate of 28 percent from the current 35 percent,...view
Map & Data Resources | Lori Bikson | Corporate influence, Taxes
Feb. 22, 2012 — The Obama administration plans to ask Congress to close some corporate tax loopholes, but to lower rates at the same time — to a top rate of 28 percent from the current 35...view
Original Reporting | Craig Gurian | Corporate influence, Taxes
Feb. 8, 2012 — For years, a wide range of business and business-supported groups have railed against what they describe as an out-of-control civil justice system. As the story goes, greedy...view
Original Reporting | Craig Gurian | Taxes
Dec. 8, 2011 — Good news if you are a New York family in the “one percent”: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has given most of you a large tax cut. Indeed, if you have an adjusted gross income of $1.8...view
Original Reporting | Mike Alberti | Economy, Taxes
Dec. 3, 2011 (updated Dec. 6) — In 1941, six years after the passage of the Social Security Act, President Franklin Roosevelt was asked about the logic of funding Social Security with a dedicated...view
ProPublica Reports | Jeff Gerth, Megan Murphy, Vanessa Houlder | Corporate influence, Taxes
Sept. 26, 2011 — A simple rule meant to cut paperwork for U.S. companies has grown into one of the biggest multinational tax breaks around, costing the United States and other governments billions of...view
