When the federal government dared to act
Viz shows scope, type of projects built in New York under New Deal's Public Works Administration. Inflation-adjusted cost exceeded $6 billion.
Patients routinely treated disrespectfully?
Several aspects of everyday medical interactions commonly seen as mere inconveniences actually harm patients psychologically and emotionally. Long wait times, rushed appointments, and the failure of doctors to be forthcoming with important information lead patients to feel devalued, overlooked, frustrated, and "disrespected."
How hard is it for doctors to listen and to care?
Remapping Debate’s examination of the issues of doctors failing to communicate and empathize reveals that, despite innovative efforts at a number of medical schools, the medical community as a whole still has far to go to remedy these problems.
How hard is it for doctors to listen and to care?
Despite innovative training at some medical schools, overall it still seems to be awfully difficult.
New labor regs for non-agricultural guest workers around the corner
Department of Labor rules promote higher standard of living for workers, hold employers to promises of full-time work. DOL, worker advocates say rules will create incentive for Americans to take jobs, but employers say that the changes will be "catastrophic," insist they need low-wage, flexible-hour environment.
What expanding federal workforce?
When taking into account the growing size of the population, most parts of the federal civilian workforce are effectively much smaller than they were in 1978.
Growing set of state abortion restrictions visualized
Tools allow user to make custom assessment of impact in each state.
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