A promise is a promise…unless it’s inconvenient
As most media continue to beat the "no choice but to cut pensions" drum, we reprise a story not constrained by those assumptions. Our reporting at the end of last year demonstrated that the state’s argument that the pension promises made to public workers were not contracts is a “radical shift” from legal norms.
A promise is a promise…unless it’s inconvenient
In a Rhode Island lawsuit, the state’s argument that the pension promises made to public workers were not contracts is a “radical shift” from legal norms.
They won the battle, but will they win the war?
Though the supporters of Proposition 30 (Prop 30), the California ballot initiative to raise income tax rates on high earners as well as sales taxes across the board, put together a highly successful campaign, some wonder whether the techniques used to sell Prop 30 carry with them the risk of undermining future efforts to bolster government services.
Supermajority gives California Dems a chance to finish what they started
But despite their new legislative power, the tone set by Democrats in Sacramento has been decidedly cautious.
Selling Prop 30
Remapping Debate investigates how advocates for California’s tax-increasing ballot initiative made their case and what lessons the campaign holds for others who seek to bolster government services.
Business-killing cuts to state court systems
According to data from the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), 42 state legislatures reduced their state court budgets between 2008 and 2011. A variety of cutbacks ensued — including staff layoffs, reductions in courthouse hours, and pay cuts for courthouse personnel — and many state judicial systems have consequently slowed down.