Mike Alberti

Mike Alberti has worked for Remapping Debate since its launch. He has been our chief correspondent, and is currently a senior contributing reporter.  Mike graduated with a B.A. in English from Vassar College in 2009. He has previously contributed to The Colorado Springs Independent, The Independent Weekly in Durham, N.C., and The Weekly Beat in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He is originally from Albuquerque, N.M.

Original Reporting | By Mike Alberti | Citizenship, Corporations, Politics
American-based corporations, though they claim many of the rights and benefits of American citizenship, are reluctant to acknowledge that they owe corresponding national obligations, Remapping Debate has found. According to scholars and historians, that state of affairs is historically new and represents a fundamental disjunction between how individuals and corporations perceive the rights and duties of citizenship. More
Story Repair | By Mike Alberti | Alternative models, Government services
Danish experts said the changes are generally modest and broadly consistent with the longstanding welfare state model. More
Original Reporting | By Mike Alberti, By Kevin C. Brown | Alternative models, History
Does the notion that every American should be guaranteed a basic level of income sound utopian? In the late 1960s and early 1970s it was mainstream. More
Original Reporting | By Mike Alberti, By Kevin C. Brown | Alternative models, History
As “market values” have replaced “social values,” they've driven a once-popular policy idea out of favor. Not coincidentally, the prevailing American concept of citizenship has come to de-emphasize participation and mutual obligation. More
Press Criticism | By Mike Alberti | New York Times, Urban Policy
A front-page article exemplifies exactly the kind of one-sided narrative of Detroit’s decline that has prevented meaningful debate about the city’s complex problems and their potential solutions. More
Original Reporting | By Mike Alberti | Health care, Insurance, Quality of life
The limited debate of the last few years keeps the public from knowing the full scope of the potential health benefits it is being asked to give up. More
Original Reporting | By Mike Alberti | Health care, Insurance
Any hopes that large employers would be penalized for failing to offer affordable insurance coverage to the spouses and dependent children of their employees under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) were recently dashed by a proposed interpretation of the law from the Obama Administration. More
Story Repair | By Mike Alberti | Labor, Pensions, State government
In 2011, the Rhode Island state legislature passed a law that made deep cuts to the pension benefits of its public employees and retirees, prompting a challenge alleging that the law was a violation of the state’s contract with those workers. Now, Rhode Island officials are claiming that the promises it made to its workers never constituted contracts, an argument that several legal experts characterized as a radical shift from historical precedent. As similar legal challenges emerge in other states, the Rhode Island court’s decision whether or not to uphold the state’s argument could have profound implications across the country. More
