Win-Win or Win-Lose?
Average hourly manufacturing production wages have languished in real terms for almost 40 years as income share at top has skyrocketed.
Looking beneath a consulting firm's facade of objectivity
In BCG report, cost — not national allegiance or societal concerns — is the only value to consider in deciding where to locate and invest.
SEC: always playing catch-up
Part 3 of our series on chronic under-regulation examines the long-term failure to make the SEC equal to the task of policing an ever-more-powerful financial sector.
Corporations couldn’t wait to "check-the-box" on huge tax break
A simple rule meant to cut paperwork for U.S. companies has grown into one of the biggest multinational tax breaks around, costing the United States and other governments billions of dollars in lost taxes each year.
Second 'kudos' for NYT's Kocieniewski
A refreshing departure from the standard "he said, she said" model that assesses whether any evidence supports a new corporate tax holiday proposal. Reporter serves readers by standing outside the framework of corporate talking points, providing historical perspective.