Original reporting

Micro-apartments: more trouble than they’re worth?
A pilot project opens the door to squeezing people into spaces as small as 250 square feet. Beneficial innovation or retrograde lowering of living standards?
Freeing up an enormous nest egg
Both the economy and quality of life would get a boost if U.S. retirees spent as much as old people elsewhere. Why don’t they? The lack of an adequate safety net breeds fear.
Shackling gov’t employees to their desks
Deep cuts in agency conference travel sought by GOP members of Congress belie their “run government like business” mantra.
While you were worrying about rising sea levels…
If Florida is a guinea pig for climate change, there is one consequence for which the state may be especially unprepared: a rise in infectious diseases.
Initial victory against NYPD in Freedom of Information suit
Court settlement directs NYPD to provide Remapping Debate with copies of protest permit records previously withheld from us, and to pay our attorney's fees. But data provided so far is incomplete and fight will continue over Department's claim of having no records for key periods (including 1967 to 1969, a time of extensive protest).
Making government service the first choice for more college students
Taking a page from the recruiting playbooks of finance, consulting, and tech.
Stopping tax avoidance without causing “flight”
If the U.S. barred companies from deferring taxes on overseas profits, the sky, it turns out, would not fall.
Citizens without obligations?
Very few American-based corporations we contacted acknowledged any national obligations, suggesting a clear disjunction between how individual and corporate citizenship is perceived.
Public transit 101: read a “how to start a business” book
The ticket to getting widespread transit adoption in U.S. cities? Invest in convenient service upfront. The riders will follow.
No vote on gun control? No votes on judicial nominees? Filibuster reform coming?
How have recent developments affected the views of Senators on filibuster reform? Where do they stand now? We asked them directly, but it's really hard to get them to put their cards on the table.