Disrespect for Senator McGovern at his final hour
Former Senator George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic candidate for president who issued a clarion call to “Come home, America,” died earlier this week. His New York Times obituary reflected all too well the problem of image over substance in our politics, and failed — 40 years on — to appreciate the consequences of the 1972 election.
Disrespect for Senator McGovern at his final hour
Former Senator George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic candidate for president who issued a clarion call to “Come home, America,” died earlier this week. His New York Times obituary reflected all too well the problem of image over substance in our politics, and failed — 40 years on — to appreciate the consequences of the 1972 election.
Digging down into voter turnout
New data viz allows you to create demographic composites — using race and ethnicity, sex, age, and educational attainment — to get detailed portraits of national voter turnout and registration since 2006.
Eye-opening data vizes on corporate tax revenues, effective rates, share since 1946
Three new visualizations situate 2011 corporate taxes in context of entire post-1945 period.
Obama seeks to lock in corporate taxes near historic lows
Three new visualizations situate 2011 corporate taxes in context of entire post-1945 period.
How much experience needed?
Not so much, it seems, if you only want to become president of the United States. Ask Chris Christie.
For better public schools, why not tap the disciplines?
U.S. colleges and universities continue to be world leaders. Annual surveys of higher education consistently rank a disproportionate number of American institutions in the top 100. Yet U.S. primary and secondary schools do poorly compared to top-performing systems worldwide. It is time to reexamine the categorical separation of K-12 and postsecondary education.
Visits to the Emergency Room: Bush-care, Canada-care, and UK-care compared
As Congressional Republicans do their best to repeal "Obama-care," Remapping Debate revisits how "Bush-care" stacked up on the rate of ER visits.
Insurance execs are more valuable than doctors, aren't they?
They certainly make much more money, and the gap has been growing over time.
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