Digging a deep hole: rare earths debacle puts U.S. trade policy under scrutiny
China's cornering of production of key minerals aided by U.S."free trade" posture.
New data on gender segregation and pay disparities in jobs
Remapping Debate's analysis of latest information from just-released American Community Survey shows many gaps still not overcome.
Data from W-2's allow closer look at income higher on the wage scale
"Net compensation" data allow for examination of wage income as high as the "$50 million and up" category.
Bloomberg's Republican economic policy prescriptions
In offering a set of “common sense proposals,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has sent a clear message to national policy makers: when it comes to business, tread lightly.
Insurance execs are more valuable than doctors, aren't they?
They certainly make much more money, and the gap has been growing over time.
Large racial gaps in median income on city level
Last week: state-by-state gaps. This week: Whites, Asians in largest U.S. cities still have far higher incomes than African Americans, Latinos.
Strategies of civil rights groups lag election results
It's been clear that civil rights progress would become harder in the new Congress, but most civil rights advocacy groups haven't prepared to fight on the state and local level.
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