Are the new jobs good jobs? Well, we're not sure…
Oddly, the government does not track the occupational wages of new hires, even though many economists believe that data is crucial in analyzing the recovery.
Enhanced data viz on student performance
Data from multiple years of test administrations now added to comparisons of subject, grade level, economic status, race or ethnicity, and gender.
Layoffs of 4,000 teachers a better choice than minor increase in tax rate for wealthier New Yorkers?
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has painted his decision to fire more than 4,000 teachers as the only budgetary course open to him, but it turns out that an increase of less than one-half of one percent on the income tax rate paid by wealthier New Yorkers would raise more revenue than the Mayor's budget saves by firing the teachers.
New tools permit custom analysis of educational attainment results
Most recent U.S. Dept. of Education data made "slice-able" by grade, subject, and demographic variables.
Layoffs of 4,000 teachers a better choice than minor increase in tax rate for wealthier New Yorkers?
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has painted his decision to fire more than 4,000 teachers as the only budgetary course open to him, but it turns out that an increase of less than one-half of one percent on the income tax rate paid by wealthier New Yorkers would raise more revenue than the Mayor's budget saves by firing the teachers.
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