Data visualizations Judicial vacancies: show us the numbers By Meade Klingensmith, Mike Alberti New tools allow easy access to and filtering of 12 years of data. How long did George W. Bush take t... Law Politics Government support for arts down dramatically over time By Samantha Cook When adjusted for inflation and population, per capita funding in 2011 down 33 percent from 1983. Role of government One graduation for all or add-on ceremonies for minority students? By Meade Klingensmith What is done at flagship public universities and at top-rated private schools? Civil rights Education “How could we resist?” The revolving door for ex-members of Congress By Samantha Cook Part 3 of our data-gathering collaboration with the Center for Responsive Politics. Open government Top staffers for new members of Congress: uncovering their previous jobs with lobbying entities By Samantha Cook More than three dozen staffers for new members of Congress had at some previous point been associate... Open government Newly out-of-office Members of Congress: where have their top staffers gone? By Samantha Cook Are they working for employers that are lobbying firms or lobbying clients? Open government Dozens of new state limits on abortions added in 2012 By Mike Alberti More and more women are more and more effectively denied access. Tools allow user to make custom ass... Reproductive health services The incredible shrinking federal workforce By Mike Alberti When taking into account the growing size of the population, most parts of the federal civilian work... Role of government Workers’ out-of-pocket health insurance costs to go through the roof? By Mike Alberti If employers move to a “defined contribution” model, most likely “yes.” Corporate influence Health care Insurance Brother, can you spare $829 billion? By Meade Klingensmith America’s largest corporations are holding lots of cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investment... Banking Economy Spectacular new ways to slice and dice unemployment data since 2007 By Mike Alberti Create over 250 demographic composites, combining race and ethnicity, gender, age, and education. Unemployment Digging down into voter turnout By Mike Alberti, Lori Bikson New data viz allows you to create demographic composites — using race and ethnicity, sex, age, and e... Elections Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page Next › Last page Last »