Data visualizations


Popular vote for President: former Confederate states versus rest of U.S.

Data viz shows results from 1968 to 2008, and reminds us of frequency of disparate outcomes.

Individual minimum wage versus family poverty threshold

Working at minimum wage earns you less in real terms than in 1968; you're further from supporting yo...

Private consultants rake in public pension fund fees

At many public pension funds, the fees paid to outside investment consultants are equal to a sizable...

Bank profits: not so shabby after all

There has been a lot of reporting in recent weeks about how big banks have fallen on hard times. One...

Back on top: new data show wealthy recovering more than others

The top 1 percent of families captured 93 percent of total income growth from 2009 to 2010.

Eye-opening data vizes on corporate tax revenues, effective rates, share since 1946

Three new visualizations situate 2011 corporate taxes in context of entire post-1945 period.

Obama seeks to lock in corporate taxes near historic lows

Three new visualizations situate 2011 corporate taxes in context of entire post-1945 period.

Producing more, earning less

American manufacturing workers are more productive than ever, but earn less than they did in 1970. R...

When the federal government dared to act

Viz shows scope, type of projects built in New York under New Deal's Public Works Administration. In...

Aftermath of 2008 economic collapse: biggest global banks still...REALLY big

3 new visualizations on banks deemed "globally systemically important."

Underemployment state-by-state

Easy ways to visualize not only the large numbers of unemployed workers, but underemployed, "margina...

NYC gov't staffing, 1980 to present

Peaks and valleys across agencies and across the decades.